
Friday, April 18, 2014

One-of-a-Kind Project Life Cards!!

I've talked about Studio J (CTMH's digital scrapbooking program) before - it's FREE to use and access; doesn't require anything to be downloaded; and CTMH prints them out for you on high quality photo paper.  

This program is SUPER flexible.  It not only allows you to create custom or pre-designed (express collections) 12x12 layouts, but also customize sized photos of your choice & customized Picture My Life (CTMH's version of Project Life) cards.  Yup, you read that right!  For more details, visit the Studio J page here on my blog.

I recently combined Studio J and Picture My Life (PML) together in beautiful harmony.  Here they are my custom designed PML Cards!

I utilized the paper packs, cardstock, MyStickease, and coordinating accessories.  Aren't they adorable?!  Cut them up and round those corners and woo-la, custom PML cards.

These sets are EXCLUSIVE through me only...unless you wanted to try to create your own.  If not, each of these sets are $15 each, which includes S&H.  TO ORDER: Click the Paypal icon at the top left side of my blog to order your original PML cards.

If you want original Disney PML cards or additional Christmas PML cards, check out my sideline Jen's blog for more options!  Roxybonds Scrappin

More Studio J info or to access Studio J, click here to visit my website.

Thanks for stopping by!

How to Create Your Own PML Cards:

  1. Log In to Studio J
    1. Same account info when purchasing from my website
  2. Create a New Project (name it)
  3. Click "Upload Photos Later"
  4. Click "Create Your Own Custom Layout"
  5. Select ANY of the papers and click "Continue" at the bottom right side
    1. The paper you select is the one you will create with
  6. Select the "No Limits" layout and click "Continue" again
  7. Select any of the Kit Mixes and click "Continue" again
  8. Click on the "Place Image Here" box to show the pop up box so you can change the size of the box
  9. Click the T button at the top right to change the box to a dialog box
    1. this will allow you to add papers and create your cards
  10. Change the size of the text box to 6x4, 4x6, 3x4, or 4x3 - depending on where you want to start
    1. you can get 17 PML cards per 2-page layout
  11. Place & align each box up on the layout
  12. Have fun creating!  Possibilities are endless!!

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