
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Reflecting Back On 2013

This year has been A-M-A-Z-I-N-G and I am extremely thankful for all my experiences, memories & accomplishments. I thought I'd take some inspiration from Wendy over at Stamping Rules! and write a fun list focusing on 2013.

Now before you get your hopes up, my list isn't going to be as awesome at her lists are, but it's an appropriate format for something I have been thinking about sharing for a while. 

1) Family - we seem to have bonded and grown closer this year, which is hard to believe because we're a tight knit group already! As far as big events goes, we celebrated my youngest nephew graduating from high school and my Gram's 95th birthday!  They are my rocks and I don't know what I'd do without them. Love you all!!

2) Close to My Heart Events - I am not sure how I pulled so much travel off this year, but somehow my "strategy" of just go, worked!  My travels took me to 2 CTMH Album Retreats and the CTMH convention in Orlando.  I was able to see two of my BFFs during these travels too - bonus!  I had so much fun!!  Thank you for making these events possible for me.  

In April, I also attended Stamp Camp - it's a weekend getaway for us local scrappers (including some CTMH consultants), just to be disconnected & have a fun productive time.
Album Retreat in Salt Lake, UT (March)

Convention in Orlando, FL at Disneyworld (June)

Album Retreat in Salt Lake, UT (October)

3) Go Blue! - My BFFs took me to my first Michigan football game. It was such a fun and surreal experience. Those big schools are serious about their football. LOVED it!! The Big House was crazy & I am hooked. I promised to take my brother to a game since I beat him too it. Hehe

4) Friends - I love and adore my friends. Life would be difficult and boring without them. My BFFs, who, regardless of the distance between us, are some of the most important people in my life. I also have my work peeps, soccer peeps, CTMH peeps, Fair peeps, and long-time peeps from school. This year has definitely had it's challenges & it has reminded me how fortunate I am to have each person in my life. You all make a difference in me. 

5) Ankle! - In August, I celebrated my one year anniversary to my first ever life altering injury - an ankle sprain. I sprained it again 5 months later (January 2013); next month will mark the second one-year anniversary. It's an accomplishment I do not want to take for granted. 

6) Student loan - I paid it off!! Enough said. 

7) Golfing - I learned to play golf this work friends finally convinced me and I am hooked.  I have only been out a handful of times, but I'm getting it.  On my second time out, I hit the green when I shot from where you tee-off... ya I am still learning all the lingo, so don't laugh too much!  I am looking forward to getting out on the green more next year.

8) Soccer - Playing soccer is a passion and it helps keep me active/fit, while I get to spend time with some talented and great people.  I am now playing on 3 indoor teams each week!  The more I play, the better I am.  I'm no Alex Morgan, but I believe I can hold my own and contribute.  I primarily play forward and then I also split the time in the goal for one team.  It's a blast!  My Monday team won a session Championship too!!  

9) Just Fun -  Throughout the year, I got to go and do lots of things: watched my cousin play competitive soccer; go to a Cirque du Soleil show in San Francisco; a handful of crab feeds; outings with friends; wine tasting; Giants baseball game with my cousins, etc.. I also got to go to watch Women's National Soccer Team play against New Zealand - what a blast!!

10) CTMH Success!! - I really wanted to focus on the CTMH business this year.. Going to each of the CTMH events helped with my inspiration, motivation and business strategy.  I joined Instagram (love it!) & eventually Twitter (reluctantly but only because I have a program that automatically tweets for me).  In addition, I started this blog and created a specific Facebook business page - all of this in hopes to better inspire you and grow my customer base.  To keep my creative mojo flowing, I have participated in a handful of blog challenges and even won a couple of the Color Dare ones!  I am happy with my accomplishments in this area - sometimes I don't know how some of the other consultants find the time. lol  Throughout this past year, I also created 3 (or more) albums for Make-A-Wish wish recipients - it is an honor to give them something to cherish and remember their wish with!

THANK YOU again for helping make what I do possible.  Happy New Year!!

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